Networking is a natural part of career change – but most people delay until they are urgently trying to get a new job to get out there and talk to people!

While it might not seem necessary to start networking today, waiting until the last minute to make connections can actually hurt your job search.

Consider this: When you network before you’re trying to change jobs, you are more focused on creating genuine connections.

You’re more likely to talk to the people that really interest you and create a bond with them that goes beyond your individual job titles.

You’re more likely to follow-up and have coffee or grab a drink because there’s no pressure – you’re just connecting with a person that you find interesting.

When you’re in job search mode, your networking is less authentic because it’s about finding the people who can help you make your change most quickly. It’s not about a long-term relationship or any authentic interest in the other person.

And while people typically like to help, they don’t like to feel like they’re being used.

It’s the career version of being a “player” – like “hey baby, what can you do for me today?” rather than “hey there, let me get to know you better”.

Which one is more effective?

It’s almost always the networking that you did before you decided it was time to change jobs, companies or careers. Those genuine connections that you put sincere effort into creating are the people who want to refer you, who want to help you because they knew you before you needed anything from them.

They’re the ones who are going to pass your resume on internally, they’re the ones who will call you when there’s an opening that’s “perfect for you” and they are the ones who want you to succeed.

Make time to network now, even if you can’t see a job change in your future, so you have the resources to support you when the time is right.

This is one of those simple things that takes a little investment and time now but can pay off huge later.

Having a group of people who are invested in you and support your professional career is a smart move for anyone, regardless of their career plan.

Keep investing in yourself!

Katy Flatau is a Career Strategy Coach & Founder at Infinite Crossroads She focuses on helping motivated professionals create careers that are fulfilling and satisfying.

A Certified Professional Life Coach (CPC) since 2009, Katy spent 15 years on her own journey through corporate America, focused on advertising research & award-winning account management. Her commitment to helping professionals find a mindful balance in both their work and personal lives comes from her own experience of industry and career-shifting mergers & acquisitions, several rounds of corporate layoffs, 3 relocations and many years of business travel to over 50 U.S. markets.

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